Our Vision

Caribbiana FC was formed with the desire to assist young athletes to excel in all aspects of their life. It is our mission to provide soccer players of all backgrounds a safe, confident, and respectful environment that will educate and develop their characters into strong community-minded individuals.

Our Goals

We have a specific goal of teaching the technical aspects of the game that will ensure a player’s success.

It is our determination to fund tuition for our players to train and compete at the highest level possible to reach their full potential with no financial burden on their families.

Foster a feeling of community and family within our sporting group. Players’ parents and families spend a lot of time supporting them. Knowing that you are spending time with others that support your values and goals is essential.

Caribbiana FC achieves this mission through the following activities:

  • Direct Funding- a tuition price is set as a suggested donation for each term. If a family feels they can afford the price it will be taken as a donation to the overall team funds.

  • We accept Donations from our community in person or online

  • Community events that strengthen ties between our team and their local towns.

  • Strategic partnerships with local and regional organizations that support youth sports